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Forms Manager

Forms Manager is a powerful information store-and-forward program. It performs a variety of functions, according to user preferences:
  • Mail Only: Collects information and mails the output to a specified e-mail address or addresses (up to 10 allowed).
  • Confirm Output: Collects information and presents the data on a Web page so the visitor may confirm the data for accuracy, then acts on the data.
  • Save to Disk: Collects information and writes the data to a file on the server disk.
  • E-Mail and Save to Disk: Collects information and both e-mails and writes to a file on the server.

1 Activates forms that Web site visitors fill out
2 Shows visitor a confirmation page before sending;
Sends visitor to a new page after submission
3 Processes submitted data
1 Writes data to a storage file on the website
2 Sends data as e-mail to as many as 10 addresses;
E-mail can also be sent to Web site visitor

  • Form Design: Any amount and type of information may be gathered from your Web page using any type of HTML form, from check boxes to pull-down list boxes to text boxes.
  • Required Fields: With a simple naming convention, you may cause any input in a data field to be required. A message reminds your visitor that the field requires some input.
  • Mailing Output: The mailing functions can mail to up to 10 different e-mail addresses — e-mail copies to partners or company departments, or prompt visitors to enter their e-mail addresses to receive a copy of the output as well.
  • Formatting Output: You may use more than one data output format file. Separate output formatting designs can be used for data written to the confirmation page, written to the disk, and e-mailed.
  • Writing to Disk: The default format for writing to your file on disk is a comma-delimited format for easy import into nearly any database software.

  • Information Forwarding: Requests for information or catalogs, order status inquiries, or user feedback
  • Information Collection and Storage: Guest books, database updates, opinion polls, or market research

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